Welcome to the Buick GS Club of America (GSCA)
Now in our 46th Year!
The Buick GS Club of America has created a legacy over the last four decades, dedicated to restoring, showing, enjoying, upgrading, and racing Buicks all across America and around the world! It started with our members having V8 powered Buicks from the 60’s and 70’s, and has added a very strong following of the Turbo Buicks from the 80’s that are constantly gaining traction (pun intended) every year! The Buick GSCA welcomes ALL Buick enthusiasts, where Buick's of ALL years and models are appreciated and loved!!! Plus, our GSX-tra newsletter is still one of the BEST printed club publications ever produced!
Going Fast With Class
Our members have a wide variety of Buick bodied and/or Buick powered vehicles, from vintage steel to late model rides. This includes the close relatives like the Turbo Trans Am, Syclone, and Typhoon that are inspired from the Buick Turbo V-6 as well. All levels are involved, from numbers matching restorations, show cars, daily drivers, street/strip setups, to the single fastest Buick in the world! Our motto is “Going Fast with Class”, which is shown by our members with show quality Buicks that have tons of torque!
Memberships - Still Holding 2023 Prices!
All Other Countries Membership
- Regular price
- $69.00
- Sale price
- $69.00
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
Sold out
Come join the fun!
Being a part of our Buick community is really more like being part of a family that ALL LOVES BUICKS!!! It's an incredible journey that I am blessed to be a part of, and hope you will be too!
More Details...
The club year technically runs from Jan 1st to Dec 31st. You can join or renew your membership at ANY TIME throughout the year, and will get any available GSX-tra printed newsletters for the current year that you might have missed. MANY new members get the previous year as well, to catch up on what all they missed out on!
Simply click the button above (or near the bottom of this page) and make your selection to Join or Renew your membership. You can also Join & Renew with us at the different Buick events we attend. Checks and Money Orders can also be sent in using our info in the CONTACT US section.
As a member, you are helping us keep the Buick community ALIVE and WELL, and helping keep the Buick events going! This in-turn also keeps interest revved up and the values of our Buicks rising! THANK YOU for your participation and SUPPORT!
Why Join...
- Be part of the longest and ONLY performance / restoration Buick club still running! 46 years and counting! Our members stay up to date with the latest and greatest things going on in the Buick community - along with all the newest parts, tech, tips, trends, and troubleshooting help for our Buicks! Learning just 1 small detail can potentially save you $1000's and keep you running all year long. Get connected to a GREAT community filled with people that LOVE Buicks and like to share things with other members that help us ALL Go Fast with Class!
- Each member will receive a top quality printed newsletter (the Buick GSX-tra) mailed 4 times a year. Anyone joining later in the year will still receive all 4 printed issues. They are full of interesting stories, NEW articles that focus on Buick specialty parts manufacturers + top builders + tuners + legends in the Buick community, articles on members cars + build-ups, unbiased product testing, information on ALL Buick events across the USA, member classifieds (FREE for members + up to 1/2 page paid space available), and LOTS of tech articles on just about anything that can improve upon our Buicks. This will include exclusive and original Copyrighted content, that will NOT available on the internet. We are also committed to constantly improve the Buick GSXTRA newsletter with more color, more pages (the issue with the Nat's coverage is almost DOUBLE in size)!
- NEW, started 01/23/2020, Custom DIGITAL UPDATES will be sent via E-Mail (enter your E-Mail below and click SUBSCRIBE). This will be a NICE LOOKING update with PICTURES and information pertaining to the Buick GSCA, regional events, parts manufacturers, vendors & advertisers, special promotions, classified ads, new stuff, continued stories from GSX-tra articles, and anything else that the members can benefit from seeing! These are scheduled for every 4 to 8 weeks, and sent out usually around Fri to Mon. PLEASE watch your spam or junk folders, since quite a few people tell me it ends up there for some reason. ALL updates can be accessed through ANY update using a link in the top left corner (above the black background), that way you don't miss out on any.
- ALSO NEW, starting in 2025, we will have a MEMBERS ONLY section on the club website! Saying that this will be HUGE is an understatement! The hardest part for us is figuring out how to create it so that members can navigate throughout it easily. We are VERY excited about this, since it will allow us to give our members an almost unlimited amount of content. It will have additional pictures that couldn't fit into the printed GSX-tra's, that are MUCH BIGGER and super detailed! If looking at them on a computer screen or TV, they are nothing short of absolutely stunning! Our camera is taking super high quality pics at over 60 megapixels!!! There will also be past articles and new tech + members stories there too, classifieds, resources, tech, member registry, and a LOT more as time goes on. Our goal is to give our members SO MUCH GREAT CONTENT that you NEVER get bored, 24 / 7 / 365 !!!
- Each member also receives a permanent Buick GSCA member number, which can be used as your car # at Buick events also. Sometimes previous members with lapsed memberships can get their old number (if still available), just ask us for it. ALL NEW members ALSO receive 2 free club logo decals for your car, along with a membership card for your wallet (started in 2023)
- Access to GSCA Club Performance Parts that are available exclusively at a special price to members only. This is currently still done by and through Richard Lasseter. At some point, we will be transitioning to a NEW batch of Buick "club" parts that will be from the GSCA and Paul Ferry, as we intend to GROW the parts selection quite a bit as time goes on.
- Members also receive discounts on other products and parts from various manufacturers throughout the year, including group purchases and new product releases.
- The new owner Paul Ferry (aka HRpartsNstuff) has been outspoken for the benefit of the members since the mid-90's, with a new goal to constantly improve on the experience and value for the members. There is a new and exciting vibe within the Buick community that we started to notice at the 40th anniversary, which is fueling all kinds of new and exciting ideas to give more back to the members! The previous owner (Richard Lassiter) is still helping as a contributing editor, with his incredible knowledge and experience of Buick related information over the years. That now gives members the best of BOTH worlds! We would LOVE to have you be a part of all the excitement, and help us support everyone as we try to keep the Buick passion alive and well for as long as we can! If you have never been a member, or you have been out of the club for a while, come join us and see what all you have been missing out on! It keeps getting better every year!
More INFO on the Buick GSCA...

Worlds FASTEST Buick! - Rod Hendrickson
The cost of membership in the Buick GSCA is only $52 per year for US residents (just $1 a week!), and a little more for NON-USA addresses due to higher mailing costs ($64 for Canada and $69 for other countries). Being a member helps us all stick together as state and federal mandates continue to attack internal combustion powered vehicles on the track and the street!

Buick GS Nationals Car Show - Lot's of Classes!
This website is setup to safely and securely accept credit card payments and PayPal. If sending a check, PLEASE include your member number (if you have one already), your contact info (phone and/or E-Mail), and make the check out to: GS Club of America, and send to PO BOX 67, ATWATER OH 44201.
2021 Editor's Choice Award
Somehow I found time to build my 1st trophy, and awarded it to Perry Carlini with his cool looking wagon at the '21 Buick GS Nationals! His car just stood out to me as a great example of "Going Fast with Class"! My goal is to do this at the Nat's every year, and at every Buick event if I have time to make enough. The bigger the club gets, the more stuff like this we can do for our members!

Share Your Story!
Members are ENCOURAGED TO PARTICIPATE in the Club also, since it was created decades ago for everyone involved! SENDING us an E-Mail with stories and helpful tech info for articles (that would be of interest or a benefit to others) will continue to help keep the Buick name ALIVE and WELL, and keep us all "Going FAST with CLASS!"
Some of our N.E. Chapter
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that THIS CLUB EXISTS to BRING TOGETHER EVERYONE that HAS AN INTEREST IN BUICK’S or ANYTHING RELATING TO BUICK'S, for EVERYONE’S BENEFIT! The Buick GSCA will do it’s best to help keep the interest and activity going strong for ALL the Buick events, and make the Buick community stronger, healthier, and more enjoyable to be a part of for years to come!

2025 Buick Related EVENT INFO:
UPDATED 01/29/25
44th Annual GS Nationals, May 14th - 17th, Bowling Green KY - Contact Richard Lasseter: (229) 244-4079
NOTE: NEW PHONE NUMBER above!!!!! 9am - 1pm (EST) https://www.facebook.com/BuickGSNationals/
Buicks at Bates Nut Farm, Always the first Sunday in June, Valley Center, CA - BuicksatBates.com
Buick Bash at the Quake, June 13th-14th, Salem OH - Contact Denny Moore (330) 647-3615 GSCA3216@aol.com -OR- John Csordas JR (914) 469-8617
ROA International Meet, June 18th-21st, Springfield IL - contact
Ray Knott ROA #1
BCA National Meet, July 23rd-26th, Concord NC
BOPC Race (Buick Olds Pontiac Cadillac), DATE TBA - Beaver Springs PA - Contact John Csordas JR (914) 469-8617 - BeaverSprings.com
Muscle Mania at Lebanon Valley Dragway, Aug 31st, West Lebanon, NY - Dragway.com
Annual Turbo Farm Fest, DATE TBA, 42w121 State Route 38, Elburn IL 60119, see Turbo Farm on FB. Hotels available in St Charles IL and Geneva IL or Batavia IL.
Buicks at Dragway 42, DATE TBA – West Salem OH
Brian Lorenz
AACA Meet, Oct 8-10, Hershey, PA - Contact Kurt Froebel: fallmeet@hersheyaaca.org
If anyone has info on any other Buick related events, please email me the info so we can share it with everyone!
All Other Countries Membership
- Regular price
- $69.00
- Sale price
- $69.00
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
Sold out
Thank YOU for your support!
I am truly BLESSED to be part of such a GREAT GROUP OF PEOPLE!
Every member of the Buick GSCA plays an important role in all of this! Your effort, support, and participation is GREATLY APPRECIATED by myself and MANY others!!! Keep in mind, the more members we have, the more perks we can put into place! Like awesome trophies, new club shirts, calendars, give-a-ways, and MUCH MORE - throughout the year and for as many Buick events out there as possible (suggestions are welcome)!
2 Corinthians 8:21 For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.
Our goal is to be a club with benefits and perks... that other clubs can only dream of! - Paul Ferry
© GS Club of America, LLC.